The Biome is a tuition-free charter public school where challenge and choice create opportunities for all students to reach their potential.


The Leadership Team at The Biome oversees all aspects of the school’s business and academic operations.

Bill Kent Jr.
Bill Kent Jr.President and CEO
Laura Myers
Laura MyersSchool Principal & Academic Leader


The Biome School is fortunate to be governed by a dedicated and committed group of volunteers who are accountable for ensuring that the academic program is successful and that the school is faithful to the terms of its charter, including fiduciary responsibilities.

Brian Phillips
Brian PhillipsBoard Chair
Sam Bush
Sam BushMember
Ray Claybrooks
Ray ClaybrooksMember
Juan Crawford
Juan CrawfordMember
Alex Head
Alex HeadMember
Ellen Moceri
Ellen MoceriMember
Charlie Walch
Charlie WalchMember
Joe White
Joe WhiteMember
Alex Zaks
Alex ZaksMember

fundraising TEAM

The Fundraising Team manages individual giving, events, and other initiatives to bring needed financial support The Biome School.

Mark Kent
Mark KentDevelopment Director
Pam Thomas
Pam ThomasDevelopment Coordinator

Collaborative Care Team

The Collaborative Care Team is responsible for ensuring that The Biome is prepared to meet the individual academic needs of our students.

Haley Biehl
Haley BiehlSPED Teacher
Hannah Florence
Hannah FlorenceSPED Occupational Therapist
Julia Heath
Julia HeathSPED Teacher
Emily Schiltz
Emily SchiltzSPED Speech Language Pathologist
Renee Chauvin
Renee Chauvin


The Operations Support Team manages all aspects of the school’s compliance, facility, and financial needs.

Chasity Douglas
Chasity DouglasFacilities Supervisor
Dana Robinson
Dana RobinsonAdministrative Assistant
Keonna Shelton
Keonna SheltonFamily Engagement, Student Recruitment and Retention Coordinator
Kristan Kent
Kristan KentFood Service Manager