SECTION 1. Technology Use and Safety
The School recognizes that its technology resources have an important educational purpose when used properly.
Section 1.2 The School will monitor the online activities of minors and operate a technology protection measure (“content filter”) on the network and all School technology with Internet access, as required by law. In accordance with law, the content filter will be used to protect against access to visual depictions that are obscene or harmful to minors or are child pornography. Content filters are not foolproof, and the School cannot guarantee that users will never be able to access offensive materials using School equipment. Evading or disabling, or attempting to evade or disable, a content filter installed by the School is prohibited. The School Leader or designee will create a procedure that allows students, employees or other users to request that the School review or adjust the content filter to allow access to a website or specific content.
Section 1.3 In addition to the use of a content filter, the School will take measures to prevent minors from using School technology to access inappropriate matter or materials harmful to minors on the Internet. Such measures shall include, but are not limited to, supervising and monitoring student technology use, careful planning when using technology in the curriculum, and instruction on appropriate materials. The School Leader, designee and/or the technology administrator will develop procedures to provide users guidance on which materials and uses are inappropriate, including network etiquette guidelines.
Section 1.4 All minor students will be instructed on safety and security issues, including instruction on the dangers of sharing personal information about themselves or others when using e-mail, social media, chat rooms or other forms of direct electronic communication. Instruction will also address cyberbullying awareness and response and appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms.
This instruction will occur in the School's computer courses, courses in which students are introduced to the computer and the Internet, or courses that use the Internet in instruction. Students are required to follow all School rules when using School technology resources and are prohibited from sharing personal information online unless authorized by the School.
Section 1.5 All School employees must abide by state and federal law and Board policies and procedures when using School technology resources to communicate information about personally identifiable students to prevent unlawful disclosure of student information or records.
Section 1.6 All users are prohibited from using School technology to gain unauthorized access to a technology system or information; connect to other systems in evasion of the physical limitations of the remote system; copy School files without authorization; interfere with the ability of others to utilize technology; secure a higher level of privilege without authorization; introduce computer viruses, hacking tools, or other disruptive/destructive programs onto school technology; or evade or disable a content filter.
SECTION 2 Technology Privileges
SECTION 2.1. The use of Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges. The system administrators and teachers will deem what is inappropriate use and their decision is final. The school may deny, revoke, or suspend specific user access.
Section 2.2. Employees may be disciplined or terminated, and students suspended or expelled, for violating the School's technology policies and procedures. Any attempted violation of the School's technology policies or procedures, regardless of the success or failure of the attempt, may result in the same discipline or suspension of privileges as that of an actual violation. The School will cooperate with law enforcement in investigating any unlawful use of the School's technology resources.
SECTION 3. Staff Responsibilities for Use of Technology
- Develop and help students develop the skills needed to discriminate among information sources, to identify information appropriate to age and developmental levels, and to evaluate and use information to meet educational goals;
- Supervise and/or monitor all to whom one grants access to technology resources regarding implementation of this policy;
- Take an active role in ensuring that students and their parents are aware of the individual student’s responsibility to use technology resources in an ethical and educational manner.
- Supervise student Internet and computer usage.
- Comply with School policies
SECTION 4. Student Responsibilities for Use of Technology
- Never give out personal or family information such as phone numbers, credit card numbers, or home addresses.
- Never arrange for a face-to-face meeting with a stranger and never respond to abusive or suggestive messages. Report all such instances immediately to a teacher or member of the technology staff.
- Use appropriate language when using electronic email or other use of the computer. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language.
- Comply with School policies when using School technology.
SECTION 5. Network User Responsibilities
- Use of the School’s technology resources must be in support of education and research consistent with the educational objectives of the School.
- Comply with all rules and laws regarding access and copying of information as prescribed by Federal, State, or local law, and Internet providers.
- Be polite and appropriate. Adhere to all standards of courtesy, etiquette, and existing board policies as they may be interpreted to apply to technology resources.
- Help maintain security of LEA technology resources by following this policy and maintaining secrecy of all passwords. All known breeches of security must be reported to the School Leader or authorized School Leader.
- Be aware that network files and electronic mail are not guaranteed to be private. School technology personnel shall have access to all files.
- Do not permit others to use your account.
SECTION 6. Unacceptable Uses Include, but are not limited to:
- Providing unauthorized or inappropriate access to School technology resources.
- Any attempt to harm or destroy data of another user or other networks connected to the Internet.
- Activities involving the loss or unauthorized use of others’ work.
- Distribution or use of obscene, abusive, or threatening material, including child pornography and any other material that is harmful to minors Material that is harmful to minors is any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that (a) taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to the prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; (b) depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals, and (c) taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.
- Unauthorized use of school resources for commercial, illegal, or profit-making enterprises.
- Knowingly wasting technology resources.
- Physical abuse of the equipment.
- Using technology resources in ways that violate school policies and behavior standards.
- Degrading or disrupting equipment or system performance.
- Installing unauthorized software on school computers, or any violation of copyright established for computer software.
- Knowingly uploading or creating computer viruses.
SECTION 7. Transmission of any material in violation of any federal or state regulation is prohibited.
This includes, but is not limited to; copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret. Use for product advertisement or political lobbying is also prohibited. Use for commercial activities is generally not acceptable.
SECTION 8. User Privacy
Section 8.1. A user does not have a legal expectation of privacy in the user's electronic communications or other activities involving the School's technology resources including, but not limited to, voice mail, telecommunications, e-mail and access to the Internet or network drives. By using the School’s network and technology resources, all users are consenting to having their electronic communications and all other use monitored by the School. A user ID with e-mail access will only be provided to authorized users on condition that the user consents to interception of or access to all communications accessed, sent, received or stored using School technology.
Section 8.2. Electronic communications, downloaded material and all data stored on the School's technology resources, including files deleted from a user's account, may be intercepted, accessed, monitored or searched by School administrators or their designees at any time in the regular course of business. Such access may include, but is not limited to, verifying that users are complying with School policies and rules and investigating potential misconduct. Any such search, access or interception shall comply with all applicable laws. Users are required to return School technology resources to the School upon demand including, but not limited to, mobile phones, laptops and tablets.
SECTION 9. Closed Forum
Section 9.1. The School's technology resources are not a public forum for expression of any kind and are to be considered a closed forum to the extent allowed by law. The School's webpage will provide information about the school but will not be used as an open forum.
Section 9.2. All expressive activities involving School technology resources that students, parents/guardians and members of the public might reasonably perceive to bear the imprimatur of the School and that are designed to impart particular knowledge or skills to student participants and audiences are considered curricular publications. All curricular publications are subject to reasonable prior restraint, editing and deletion on behalf of the school for legitimate pedagogical reasons. All other expressive activities involving the school's technology are subject to reasonable prior restraint and subject matter restrictions as allowed by law and Board policies.
SECTION 10. No Warranty/No Endorsement
Section 10.1. The School makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the services, products or access it provides. The School’s technology resources are available on an “as is, as available” basis.
Section 10.2. The School is not responsible for loss of data, delays, nondeliveries, misdeliveries or service interruptions. The School does not endorse the content nor guarantee the accuracy or quality of information obtained used the School’s technology resources.