Welcome to our Extended Day Program where our goal is to provide quality student learning experiences connected to The Biome School day.
We are happy to offer two Extended Day Programs to meet the needs of our school Community.
- The Biome will continue to offer its traditional BEFORE CARE program from 6:30 AM – 7:40 AM.
The Biome’s AFTER CARE program will be offered in partnership with Mission: St. Louis Beyond School to provide students an opportunity to grow and prepare for the future. The program hours are 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
- Before Care:
- $80 Full Pay
- $40 if Qualified for Reduced Lunch
- $20 if Qualified for Free Lunch
Fees are due by the 5th of each month and are required without exception. Failure to pay fees will result in a loss of services. Invoices are generated and delivered via the EZ School App. CASH PAYMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON.
- After Care:
before care REGISTRATION
All families must complete and submit an application, which can be found by clicking the link below. The program is open to all K-5 students at The Biome. Program acceptance is based on a first-come, first-served basis, not prior program enrollment. If a program is full, your child will be placed on a waiting list until there is an opening in the program. ALL outstanding fees from the previous school year must be satisfied before registering for the program. Applications with outstanding fees will NOT be reviewed until the balance has been paid in full.