Parents Tell Their Stories

The best advertisers for The Biome School are the parents who sent their kids to this tuition-free charter public school. Two parents tell their stories of how their kids are growing and loving the learning environment at The Biiome School. Book a tour and see how your child may benefit from the curriculum. The

The Biome School supports and encourages students who love STEAM

The Biome School is the right environment to teach children about science, technology, engineering, art, and math. On Wednesday, we hear from a former student about how his passion for gaming technology turned into a career as a video game developer. See how The Biome School creates a safe, healthy, and supportive environment for

The Biome School focuses on STEAM education for kids K-5

The BiOME STEAM School is a new kind of K-5 school for the next generation of learners.  It’s a tuition-free charter public school in St. Louis. It offers customized, project-based, and student-centered learning.  Students and teachers work together so that the students grow and discover their unique style of learning and talents! by:

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