The McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Act Supports Families Experiencing Homelessness

McKinney-Vento Questionnaire

We are required by law to collect housing information from our families each year. While this information is sensitive, the school's knowledge of housing helps us ensure that all Biome learners have equal access to all school opportunities, regardless of their housing circumstances.

Each family must complete this confidential form and return it to The Biome - dropping it off at school, mailing it to the school, or emailing a copy to Keonna Shelton ( all work equally well.

If you have questions as you complete the form, please contact Mrs. Shelton by phone at (314) 531-0982, ext. 221 or via the email address provided above.

Section 3.1 The Definition of Homelessness - taken from The National Center for Homelessness Education's Homeless Liaison Toolkit (2017 ed.)


The McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Act provides a definition of homeless children and youths to be used by state and local educational agencies (LEAs). It defines homeless children and youths to be those who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Under the larger umbrella of lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, the law also provides several examples of situations that meet the definition. The examples include children and youth:


  • sharing housing due to a loss of housing, economic hardship, or a singular reason
  • living in hotels, motels, trailer parks, or campgrounds due to a lack of alternative adequate housing
  • living in emergency or transitional shelters
  • abandoned in hospitals
  • living in a public or private place not designated for (or not normally used as) a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings

Housing Information


Thanks for completing this form, as your answers will help us determine whether your child meets eligibility requirements for services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Is this address Temporary or Permanent?(Required)
Please indicate which of the following apply to your child's housing situation; mark all that apply.
If you and your child are residing in a home not rented or owned by you (i.e., you're living in shared housing), please mark all reasons that apply.
Is your child under the age of 18 and living apart from you - their legal parent/guardian?